FamilyBut mum may have had an epidural, or suffered blood loss or required many stitches. She may have needed to have a caesarian section. All this may contribute to her difficulty in bonding with her newborn and may have left her in a stressed and anxious state.
Newborns are tuned into their mothers’ emotional state and respond to it. Helping mothers adjust to their new circumstances directly and indirectly helps the baby.
Being pregnant changes your body posture very considerably. Your normal anterior and posterior curves are increased and in the last trimester your blood volume is increased. You need 300% more energy to maintain your pregnant body and growing foetus, and you will have accumulated more fluid causing congestion problems in the tissues.
Childbirth commences the sudden changes for both you and your baby and how you both adapt to these changes will be your own personal story. Osteopathy can assist both of you to help overcome the forces and traumas of birth.
Breastfeeding mums often experience pain and discomfort throughout their body from the changes in their tissues due to breastfeeding. They also experience postural strains from making the infant comfortable during feeding. Both these difficulties are assisted by osteopathic treatment.