General Examination
This involves looking at the shape of the body, the tension in the muscles and the general range of movement. An overall analysis of posture is fundamental to understanding the problem and how to treat it.
Physical Examination
The physical examination involves gentle contact with our hands on the body. This enables us to determine areas of tension. Skin colour and temperature, reflexes, muscle tone and the range of joint movement assist us. An assessment of the systems of the body, such as the cardiovascular system, intestinal system, nervous system etc. follows as required.
Working Diagnosis
From these three sources of information (history, general examination and physical examination) osteopaths form a “working diagnosis”.
Using very gentle palpation techniques, we then bring about a response from the body to release areas of tension that may be impeding vital neural, circulatory or lymph flow. This allows the body to function without the impediments that have led to, or may lead to illness. We are freeing up the body’s own capacity for healing and thereby maximizing your own potential for health.
Schedule of visits
Where an injury or illness exists, several treatments may be necessary. Treatments are usually scheduled at least one week apart. This gives the body time to go through a therapeutic response and then settle again before the next treatment. Subsequent treatments will be scheduled as the need arises.
Duration of visits
Visits usually last for about thirty minutes.
Child friendly
Cranial 4 kids is a child friendly practice